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Partner in credit management

EuroSystems, a solid Dutch software company, is the market leader in the credit management sector with their solution Credit Navigator and knows how to translate all the customer needs and wishes, and legislation to market-driven solutions. EuroSystems was founded in 1993 and ever since they have developed the most complete, flexible and innovative credit management solutions together with their customers and user group DipNed. Customers regularly receive new functionality and updates in the area of regulations. Credit Navigator is always up to date.

EuroSystems’ solutions are also available as Software as a Service (SaaS). Your database is specifically designed for you and located in a dedicated secured server at a secured location in the data center. All you need is secure internet at your desk.

Visit the EuroSystems website.

“The partnership between EuroSystems and Yonder has resulted in one of the most modern and all-round solutions for the Credit Management market.” by Wybe Braaksma, Director Operations


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