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Innovation, fun & Pac-Pac Mobile

“IT was the obvious choice from the very first school years. I must admit that I have always been sort of a geek….but the kind of geek always up for a challenge. I like to get involved in all kinds of interesting projects, IT or non-IT. I came to Yonder after a summer internship. What’s funny is that I wasn’t even the one to choose that internship, it was allocated to me by the faculty on the first day of school. Since I was out of town, they simply sent me to the company of their choice. Looking back, that was a lucky choice.

After that internship, I was offered a part-time position, since I was going to study in the Netherlands with an Erasmus grant. It was a great experience and, even though I was far from the team, I had some less obvious privileges, such as stand-up meetings in my pyjamas….haha!!

Web development isn’t the only thing I’m working on. I also organized a national IT contest: FIICode, which had Yonder as a partner.

After graduating from University and getting over that period where you realize you can actually get some sleep in your free time and there’s nothing wrong with that, I realized I needed a new challenge for the summer to come.

I knew the RedBull guys were organizing all kinds of wacky events…and that was to be by far my most awesome experience this summer!!! I had 2 full months of working in Yonder and on our little car. Obstacles and mishaps came our way…our axle broke by the time we got to Cluj, our breaks failed us the morning of the race and, as if that weren’t enough already, our trailer broke on our way to Iași. I know, they kept coming!!! But, in the end, packed up with optimism and a bit of luck, we made it!

Even though, theoretically, all we did is build a weird 3-wheel carriage and carry it 400 Km away for a single…bumpy ride, the experience of the race, the joy of actually getting to the finish and the great people we met made it all worth it!

Right now, all I have left to say is: Join in the race 2 years from now! Challenge accepted! “, says Alex with a large, happy smile on his face.

Good luck!


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