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Be Cyber Threat Aware!

Cyber Threat Aware

Stay relevant and secure

In today’s business environment, companies are constantly challenged by the fast-changing market conditions and demands. Businesses of all sizes and from all industries should innovate and migrate to online and mobile applications that deliver secure, on-demand, self-service capabilities directly to customers so that they remain relevant.

Explore and address

So, companies need to explore new technologies, address certain levels of technical debt, or migrate from older solutions. These changes give them benefits such as empowering software developers to quickly react to the continuously changing customer demands and market conditions. Or companies can cut costs using infrastructure that is cost-effective and flexible. And last but not least, companies can benefit from a new smart platform designed for fast idea validation.

Dealing with constraints

When your application reaches a certain maturity level, you will find that there are some constraints Cyber Threat Awarewhen switching to a new technology stack. You will have to find a way to integrate a new stack with the current legacy solution (if there is a way) while taking into consideration specific dependencies that weren’t designed to work in a cloud-like infrastructure or aren’t that flexible when it comes to moving towards a service-oriented architecture. Let’s not forget that, from time to time, each organization is forced to cut corners or to use experimental technologies to overcome an unexpected challenge.

When you have increased the number of tools, libraries, and packages used to deliver a pleasant end-user experience, it is easy to overlook important information included in the never-ending stream of security patches feeds or reports.


Within TSS, our sister companies, their partners, and clients are strongly tied together when it comes to security. In the case of a data breach at one of the companies, other entities may suffer as well. Depending on the type of attack, the entity can either be another company or the actual end-user. We have created a new task force at Yonder to help our clients with such security matters. The purpose of this task force is to share our experiences, challenges, and mistakes so we can grow a powerful security community across all VMS companies.

Building our Cyber Threat Aware team

For the past few months, we have been actively recruiting members for the taskforce by targeting colleagues who share the same vision on the importance of security. And we are proud to announce our new initiative called Cyber Threat Aware that aims to share knowledge and to provide guidance to other organizations. Just like the members of the Justice League, we aim to protect the people from any harm and try to help our clients to improve their products and, if needed, to have in place all the tooling required for fending off the bad guys. The team gained part of its expertise from hands-on experience on various projects where our involvement was needed. For the past few years, our team managed to design, build, maintain, and monitor highly secure application environments that handle a huge amount of sensitive data.

One of our first initiatives aims to increase the security awareness within the community and to provide all the resources required for preparing for any cyber threats to which our colleagues may be exposed. The team is working hard on some surprises which we cannot disclose yet.

But, starting next week, we will send out a weekly newsletter informing you of all the recent notable and relevant security news neatly compiled in a single overview.

If you want to be cyber aware, please subscribe! (see the pink button below)

by Alex Coman & Remy Toma  


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