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Homes of Hope and other charities

Last year on the 24th of February, the world was shocked as Russia invaded Ukraine. And as of today, the war continues without any real hope for peace yet. For many of us, the war has consequences, yet it is still relatively far away. But within TSS, we have companies in the neighboring countries Poland and Romania, where you can feel the threat to their borders and the reality of how it changes Ukrainian lives so much more.

Despite the heart-breaking context, one can see humanity and dignity in how so many people responded to this crisis. And this has been a great source of encouragement, and hope to see neighbors helping neighbors in very practical ways in the region.

Our companies, Simple (Poland) and Yonder (Romania), started or joined charities to aid the flux of refugees and support them with the first essential human needs and their journey to the next stage.

We want to share an update on the efforts by Yonder.

Yonder donated 45,500 EURO in 2022 for various Ukrainian projects. These donations went to various projects:

  • Homes of Hope for building temporary houses:
  • To date, the charity has built 70 houses out of 100 in Ukraine in the Bucha area
  • Colleagues from a different partner association of HoH in Kyiv continued the project, completing another 10 houses, which brings the total to 80 finished homes
  • The Kyiv colleagues are now working on finishing the last 20 accommodations in the Kyiv area.
  • Volunteers from 15 nations from 3 continents came through Romania to help build houses there.
  • Yonder donated 19,500 EUR, enabling the construction of 3 temporary houses in Kyiv, including furniture.
  • We’re very thankful for the support/donation received from TSS, which was also used for house reconstruction in this project
    Other donations include:
  • 20,000 EUR to 2 associations that have sent medical equipment, medicines, and supplies to hospitals in Ukraine.
  • 6,000 EUR for the Refugees project in Romania
  • 20 laptops for a refugee camp in the summer

And our TSS colleagues raised 19.5k, which was matched by TSS, so that was a total of 39,000 Euros going to Ukrainian causes as well.

It is a drop in the ocean, yet all these drops create a big body of water. And every drop creates a ripple effect. It shows the world that people care and good still perseveres. We will continue to support the cause as long as it is needed, but we hope that this conflict that has devastated so many lives will end in the foreseeable future. If you would like to donate and support the Homes of Hope project, please click this link.


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