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Letter from our MD on the various emotions of the last weeks


Dear reader,

I hoped I could say that – finally – it seems we’re over one of the most particular crises in our history. And indeed, it seems that Covid is ending, and we’re thankful for that.

Yet, it feels like another phase of history is starting. And if there’s one thing that’s for sure, it is that history is not boring. Despite Francis Fukuyama’s prediction in the book – The end of history – that the future will be a continuous linear growth story, based on a universally accepted model – namely liberal democracy.

And many of us have gone through various emotions in the last weeks – utter surprise, concern, uncertainty, admiration, and – if we got that far by now – resolute hope.

And that’s because some things change, but others stay the same. And each of our histories – every country, every family – includes hardships, challenges, and despite and during those, great stories of heroes who emerge during these hardships.

And the big question for us is what we do during this time, as it’s our turn now to confront our challenges.

I am really happy to see and proud to mention the amount of humanity that this crisis unlocked. I know that Poland, among all countries, received the largest number of refugees with open arms, and I know our colleagues at Simple are involved in supporting them. Likewise, here in Romania, I’ve seen multiple friends take trips to the border to transport refugees, take people into their homes, facilitate travel to other destinations and support them in whichever way necessary. As a company, we’ve built on existing partnerships with NGOs like Homes of Hope, etc., supporting them in the strategic planning of how to help an increasing number of refugees long term here.

If you are interested in finding out more or donating to the charities, please click here.

Besides that, we’re also looking at our continuity plans and seeing how we need to adapt them to the current challenges. Romania’s NATO membership means a lot, as well as the fact that the West has been so unified in its positioning.

And we’re also continuing to focus, like always, on you, our customers. Because in the end, it’s about partnerships, genuinely trying to see how we can support and contribute to your success and innovation.

We hope to meet again and resume our “on-site” meetings. We managed to continue our relationships during the pandemic by relying on “social capital” that was there already. And we’re looking forward to refreshing those reserves of goodwill.

Daniel Lar
Managing Director


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