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New shoes for kids from Pata Rât

We love happy endings and even more when we are part of them. How did it start? Well – as part of our Together for Community. One of the projects that came into our attention was this one ” Shoes for the 8 kids of Varga Family from Pata Rat“, initiated by Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitate. A project that got the engagement of our colleagues who voted for being sponsored.

And now, the happy end…as told by Laura from the Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitate .

New shoes for the 8 Varga kids? Here’s how things went…

Saturday, on January 14 2017, we went to Pata Rât and we took 4 of them – Andreea (16), Claudia (8), Denisa (7) and Răducu (3). Together with them, we went to a shoe store from Polus, where each of them had the chance to choose the shoes they liked, to try them on, to live through the entire experience going from choosing them to paying for a new object.

We then ate together a pizza at a restaurant, where the main attraction was a fish aquarium from which they wouldn’t part. The day ended with a moment of great joy – playtime in the park.

Sunday we started earlier, taking along with us Paul (18), Dorin (14), Raul (8) and Bogdănel (7). We went together to see a movie – The Snow Queen. Even though I’d like to, I can’t put into words what their faces looked like while we were queueing to get tickets. (Moreover, for Paul, Dorin and Raul it was the first time after a year and a half when their father allowed them to leave the ramp together with us).

After the movie, they also chose their favourite shoes and, just like in the previous day, a pizza and playtime in the park followed.

With the money that was left we want to make sure that those going to school have all the required support in order to complete the academic year successfully, and in spring we are going to organise a trip to the Exploratorium.

Thank you all for all your support and we’ll keep you posted. 🙂“.




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