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Spring events

A full spring at Yonder. In the first week of March, we began promoting the internships aimed at students studying for Math and Informatics majors. In 2016, with a richer offer, centred on offering a great learning experience at Yonder. Under the Growth Academy’s umbrella, our offer for students includes spring and summer internships, mentorship programmes whose role is to support them as partners in the learning process at university, to guide them and to offer them tips and tricks. Moreover, we initiated an individual mentorship programme.

In addition to participating to the student programmes presentation fairs, we also organized open-doors events aimed at students. In numbers, this means a few thousand students who visited our booth at the career fairs and several hundreds who visited our office this spring. We are also interested in supporting the training of future IT professionals, even while they are at university. Many of those taking part in our internship programmes later join us as our colleagues.



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