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TSS’s Polish and Serbian companies join Yonder in Romania

Yonder has been part of TSS since before it joined Constellation Software Inc. In March 2021, Simple, the first Polish company, joined TSS, followed by Sygnity just a few months ago. And WEBCentric from Serbia also joined in May 2022. Maciej Rozycki, the CEO of Sygnity, was interested in meeting Yonder, so Daniel Lar, MD of Yonder, organized a meeting inviting all companies in the CEE countries. The objective was to get to know the companies and find out how they work.

Daniel and his team created a program, and the multi-country delegation met in Romania on June 28-29. On the first day, all the participants followed the presentations, but on day two, the group split in two, having dedicated sessions for finance and business. The special track for the financial team was led by Ioana Corutiu, Director of Finance.

Who is Who

The first part of the afternoon was all about introductions. Daniel Lar and Cristian Inceu, who were joined by Alex Popescu from Iasi kicked off the session by presenting Yonder, what the company does and how it supports its clients, including TSS/CSI companies. Then Maciej Rozycki, CEO of Sygnity, gave a presentation on his company, followed by Daniel Fryga, President of Simple.

Sharing knowledge

Since Yonder has been with TSS/CSI from the beginning and the other companies are relatively new in the group, Yonder shared its insights with the others this time. All sessions included Q&A, where audience participation and active discussions were part of the knowledge exchange.

Bogdan Chiorean, Delivery Manager, shared his knowledge on managing and tracking a large PS fixed price project. Software architect Monica Vlad enlightened the participants on managing Technological Debt: Yonder Best Practices. Quality management is essential in all software companies, so Codruta Bunea, Test Lead, shared her best QA and software testing practices. No company is safe these days without cybersecurity. So, Alex Coman, Security and DevOps specialist, and Alex Popescu, Business Unit Director, shared the presentation: DevOps & Cloud Best practices.

Networking: building relationships

The benefit of such meetings resonates in the future if people build relationships with the other participants. It creates trust and goodwill, so you know where to go when you have a question or a need. Therefore, Daniel and Cristian included many networking moments in the program. Breaks where you discuss the topics of the day and how you deal with them in your company. And dinner on the terrace in nice weather with good food; the perfect setting to become colleagues with the people in other CEE companies.

“Maciej, the CEO of Sygnity, expressed his interest in having such an informal meeting, and for us, it was easy to arrange such an event. At Yonder, we are used to welcoming clients and prospects, so we were happy to create a program that would interest our new colleagues from different companies. It was a great way to connect, meet the people behind the emails, learn more about the companies, discuss similarities and differences, and share knowledge – both best practices as well as lessons learned the hard way. As TSS is becoming more present in CEE and more localized, we’re happy to connect as the TSS CEE network.” Daniel Lar, Managing Director of Yonder. 

TSS Poland Serbia Romania

All participants meet each other at the Yonder office in Cluj-Napoca.

Bogdan presenting to TSS CEE

Bogdan Chiorean, Delivery Manager – managing and tracking a large PS fixed price project.

Codruta Testing Automation TSS CEE

Codruta Bunea, Test Lead – QA and software testing practices.

Monica Vlad at Sygnity Simple WEBCentric

Monica Vlad, Software Architect – managing technological debt: Yonder best practices.

Networking TSS CEE


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