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Webinar: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWA – New tech in the mobile development market

Yonder developers are really passionate about technology, so we like to keep on eye on how technological trends evolve and stay on top of that “cutting edge” tech. However, we also understand that the most important trends are the ones which could provide opportunities for the business we activate in, namely our VMS customers. The trend we will be referring to in this webinar is a somewhat fresh concept called Progressive Web Apps (PWA for short).

PWA, a new technique

As the name suggests, it is a new way of writing the client-side of an application. It’s not really a new technology as it is a new technique. A developer writing a PWA app uses already existing concepts which are stitched together so that they form your Progressive application. The beauty of it is that with a single code-base written in plain JavaScript, you can have a web-app, a mobile app and even a desktop app. Sounds awesome right? One code-base, one developer specialization and complete freedom on the tech stack, so developers working on the project can actually choose the stack based on your project needs and the team proficiency. Many big players already have this implemented, like Google Maps, Uber, and Twitter, to name a few.

So the question is, why don’t we start using this immediately on all new projects? PWAs have many benefits over hybrid (e.g. Ionic) and native applications (Java, Swift, Objective C), such as, they have the potential to reduce costs, they update themselves without user intervention, you don’t need to be on Play Store or App Store if you don’t want to and the user doesn’t need to install it since they are simple web-pages. However, as with all latest tech, they do have some bad parts (which are to be sorted as the technology matures). Some of the most important ones are that they don’t have access to all phone hardware features and are dependent on the browser the user chooses (as with all web apps).

PWA Webinar

We intend to discuss all of it in this upcoming webinar, in order for you as Product Owners or Product Managers to better understand the prospects which this new tech can bring to your projects and how to decide whether it is a good idea according to your product specifications.

Date:                 2 July 2019
Time:                13:00 – 13:30 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Presented by: Alexandru Mihordea and Alexandru Grigoruță, Yonder

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