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Yonder Hackathon 2020, May 15 – 17, Registration is open

Join the Yonder Hackathon in Cluj or Iasi

Starting Friday, May 15th through Sunday, May 17th, Yonder will host its annual Hackathon in both Cluj and Iasi simultaneously. Registration is open for customers and companies who would like to work with Yonder.

Our Yonder Hackathon is one dedicated weekend where clients join a specially allocated Yonder team to create a prototype or mockup for a new idea that they can then take back to their company and to their end-users. Your customers’ problems and needs change over time, and such a weekend is ideal for working on prototypes or mock-ups of new initiatives to solve these challenges.

It is the setting to look into the possibilities that new technologies can bring to your solution, whether it is a chat functionality, applying AI, ML, or RPA to enhance a feature, or testing or DevOps solutions. Read last year’s post with ideas for new technologies.

Here is some of the feedback we received on previous editions:


Had a great time and a great result.

The assistance of the Yonder team and
the atmosphere was so upbeat, happy, and motivating.

As the yonder team works on such a wide range of software,
they had so much to offer when it came to implementing new solutions.

Thanks to Yonder for hosting such a great event!
Everything was extremely well organized to the smallest detail,
and I’ve enjoyed the experience.
I loved the enthusiasm all teams showed.

I think this event was a great success. It was a pleasure to be there,
work with the team on the idea and see it come together at the end.
Great job!

It was an absolutely perfect and amazing experience.

I think it’s a fantastic way to quickly explore a new concept
and deliver a prototype or MVP.


And we had some suggestions for improvements that we are investigating.

You can register your team by clicking the button and downloading the form. Please return it to [email protected] look forward to seeing many of our clients and prospects in Romania.





You don’t know what to expect? Well, have a look at the aftermovie of 2019, it will give you an impression of our hackathons.

Registration is only for software companies or enterprises that are clients or prospects of Yonder. Participation is subject to approval.


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