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Go Mobile and fulfill customer demand

Add a mobile dimension to your existing software system.

Many of you have optimized your software solutions for mobile, but some have postponGo mobile, get an app, software development of apps, mobile solutioned this for various reasons. It may seem too daunting to optimize your complete solution for mobile. Your software system is very rich and still functioning well, yet written in a technology that doesn’t easily allow for mobile conversion. Or you simply may not have had the time and resources to develop a mobile experience for your customers.

There are plenty of reasons to be thought off, yet mobile is quickly becoming a standard feature for software products, so there is no time like the present to give your customers a mobile experience. According to Gartner, employees in today’s digital workplace use an average of three different devices in their daily routine, which will increase to five or six devices as technologies such as wearable devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) eventually become mainstream. Gartner calls for a four step approach:

  1. Prioritize app development
    • prioritize based on business needs
  2. Adopt a bimodal IT approach
    • Mode 1 drives the creation of stable infrastructure and APIs to allow apps to retrieve and deliver data to back-end systems without impacting those enterprise applications, while Mode 2 uses high-productivity, agile approaches to quickly deliver front-end app features required by the business.
  3. Use rapid mobile app development (RMAD) tools
    • Using development tools that can produce apps more rapidly is crucial for enterprises to help bridge the gap between mobile app demand and supply.
  4. Adopt a mixed-sourcing approach
    • maintaining a pure in-house development environment is difficult to achieve as it entails many complexities and specific activities, which may be more efficiently handled by an outsourced third party experienced in mobile app development.

A sensible approach. Yonder has experience and can consult you on the best approach for your needs. Whether you have a single product and need to go mobile quickly, or whether you are considering a bimodal approach with multiple apps in the future. Most of our clients have opted not to use RMAD tools, as they feel locked in by the RMAD provider, and prefer native as this has few limitations. It all depends on the diversity of your clients, your offering, your wishes what would be the most effective and efficient way for you to define a mobile strategy.

With our mobile solution, you can get the mobile experience to meet your demand. By creating a first mobile version, your clients know that you understand their needs. Once the initial demand has been met, you can continue to expand the functionality and enrich the app. Continuous development makes it possible to release new features in short iterations.

In a next blog post, I will share examples of mobile experiences that we created for our customers. If you have any questions, remarks or are interested in discussing the mobile options for your company, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mihai Nadas, Managing Director Yonder

Kind regards,

Mihai Nadas,
Managing Director Yonder



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