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It is almost Hackathon time!

The Yonder Hackathon Program

It is almost that time of the year again, the Yonder Hackathon. Here is the program for the 2024 edition:

Thursday 18 April
We will host the kick-off with a pre-Hackathon dinner at a restaurant in Cluj. (Those arriving during the evening can join from the airport.)

Friday 19 April
Hackathon at the Yonder offices in Cluj and Iasi. From 9 o’clock until the early morning hours the next day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks will be provided at the office. Doors will be open before 9 in the morning so you can find your dedicated place and team.

Saturday 20 April
Final presentations will end around 17:00 in the afternoon. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided at the office.


Innovation is a continuous process

Innovation is a continuous process or cycle. The hackathon is just one of the ways we help clients and prospects experiment with new customer-driven features and explore new technologies. During the hackathon, multiple client teams will join, looking at ways to maintain and increase their value in the market. Our clients know what the users want and what the shifts and movements are in their verticals. Our Yonder experts have a deep understanding of many verticals and know the new and existing technologies that can add functionality desired by the market.

As multiple teams join the hackathon, there is a great energy and buzz that inspires all people present. On Saturday afternoon, the teams present their projects to the group. In order to get the most out of the Hackathon, preparation begins long before the start on Friday 18 April.

If you are interested in joining the company, please contact your delivery manager or send an email to [email protected].

Read this article if you want to know more about our hackathons.

If you want to experiment with AI at the hackathon, here are some ideas from the innovation lab at Yonder30.

Watch the Yonder Hackathon 2023 aftermovie to get a good impression of what you can expect.



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