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Yonder will participate at the START Hack in Switzerland

Europe’s most entrepreneurial hackathon

The START Hack will take place from the 19th to the 21st of March in St. Gallen, Switzerland.  It is Europe’s most entrepreneurial hackathon. In 2024, over 600 participants representing more than 75 nationalities hacked for 36 hours. START Hack invites aspiring young tech and business entrepreneurs and aims to be the catalyst of their journey of innovation and success.

The START Hack is organized by START Global. START Global was established in 1996 at the well-known University of St. Gallen and is a student-run, not-for-profit organization excited about and invested in the next generation of dreamers, creative thinkers, tech heads, and innovators. It’s their mission to create opportunities for young entrepreneurs to realize their aspirations.

Yonder at the START Hack as mentors

Two of our esteemed colleagues will participate as mentors in the START Hack. Both colleagues have a lot of experience and have participated in our Yonder Hackathons. They will be sharing their knowledge and insights with the participants. They look forward to becoming ‘infected’ with the enthusiasm and unlimited possibilities of this well-known student hackathon.

Yonder sponsoring the START Hack winners

Over the years, we have dived into the Eric Ries principles of Lean Startups, practiced the principles from The Lean Enterprise book about high-performing organizations and how to innovate, and created our best practices, thereby helping successful software companies become even more successful. Over the coming six months, we will help the chosen company with coaching sessions, providing technical guidance and architectural options, and coaching them on customer-driven aspects of the innovation. We are really looking forward to this.

From the START Hack to the Yonder Hackathon

At Yonder, we believe in the power of hackathons. Most companies believe innovation is very important, but not all have an innovation manager or a dedicated time for innovation. You need to create time and the right atmosphere conducive to innovation. It is not something you can do as an afterthought. So we organize our annual Yonder Hackathon for clients and prospects on May 9 and 10, 2025. It will take place simultaneously at both delivery centers in Iași and Cluj-Napoca. We focus on combining future business needs and challenges with new technologies and creating clickable prototypes that our clients can take to the market and the end-users. Click to read more about the Yonder Hackathons.

Watch last year’s aftermovie


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